Surf Torflex
Surf Torflex, from our customers Basque Surfing Company in Spain
Maybe the most scientific approach to surfboard shaping:
Surf Torflex, from our customers Basque Surfing Company in Spain
Maybe the most scientific approach to surfboard shaping:
Dear customers and distributors, it shall be our pleasure to welcome you on our booth. JEC Europe will take place at Paris the 14th, 15th and 16th of March 2017.
This stage at the Construction Material Pavilion shows live demonstrations of production processes.
One of the companies represented on this stage is Resoltech with Composite Patch, that’s demonstrating a field repair system that enables to repair in any weather conditions. It’s used by all racing sailors – on the last VOLVO Ocean Race for example it was selected by the technical committee as sole on board composite repair system and like many things invented for the racing world, it is making its way for broader applications.
Join us at the yearly meeting of the boatbuilding community in Amsterdam – The METS trade show taking place form the 15th to the 17th of November 2016 Booth CMP.21 in the Construction Material Pavilion
Please note that we are moving in our new state of the art factory on July 4th 2016 The telephone lines may be interrupted that day. E-mails will work uninterruptedly.
Our new Address:
249, Ave Gaston Imbert – Z.I. Rousset
13790 Rousset
Telephone number remains unchanged: +33 442 95 01 95
Resoltech 1010 water based epoxy primer & varnish, known in the UK by most wooden boat owners & builders who work in winter in humid environment and wish to seal every piece of their plywood or strengthen older pieces of wood that have lost part of their cellulose to rot.
Rousset, October 2016
Resoltech announces the start of the building of its new state of the art plant in the industrial area of Rousset to help meet the increase of business from french and international customers.
New production tools with increased batch size capacities will be installed in this new production facility as well as increased space for the R+D laboratories. The facility is expected to be completed by June 2016.
Dear customers and distributors, it shall be our pleasure to welcome you on our booth. JEC Europe will take place at the exhibition center of Villepinte the 8th, 9th and 10th of March 2016.
Join us at the yearly meeting of the boatbuilding community in Amsterdam – The METS trade show taking place form the 1=7th to the 19th of November 2015 Booth CMP.21 in the Construction Material Pavilion
Resoltech collaborates since May 2012 to the PowderBond Research Project supported by the European Commission (FP7-SME). The concept came from the need to develop vehicles with a wider range of materials better suited to the role asked of them for use within the Automotive and A.C.E. industries. The second aim looks at offering a technology for a bonding process achievable at a lower temperature than the current one.
Finally, PowderBond technology aims to offer a solution to deal with the subsequent challenges of reducing the carbon emissions of vehicles throughout their lifecycle.
You will find more information available on the website: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/108567_en.html
& a short video presenting the technology is available here: https://youtu.be/g1eurP-Sm1I
Wood Epoxy amateur build of a day-sailor/camping cruiser on french magazine Voiles Magazine by journalist Jean Yves Poirier.