Sébastien Roubinet and the Nagalaqa Odysseus

Dear customers,

For over 2500 km, Sébastien Roubinet, Eric André and Jimmy Hery have explored the northern part of the Canadian archipelago which is one of the least known areas in the world.

They proceeded on these unknown lands for three months, working with experts to conduct statements of environmental DNA, but also of the fauna, of pictures and videos of the last multiannual ice.

The boat called babouche pushed composite a step beyond, joining Innegra, basalt fibers and a Resoltech flexible epoxy system 1600/1606, which brings back finished weight on water to 330 lbs only !

We are proud to be sponsors and partners with Sébastien Roubinet in his amazing adventures !

Website for more information : https://www.sebroubinet.eu/

Resoltech epoxy 1600/1606 data sheet : https://www.resoltech.com/en/markets/1600-detail.html