Resoltech, partner of the Van Allen Foundation
Resoltech places a high value on innovation and development, so we are thrilled to be able to help the Van Allen Foundation with its work to create and study nano-satellites.
The Montpellier University Space Centre (CSUM), which teaches students in space-related professions, mainly via the production of nanosatellites, is supported by the Van Allen Foundation, a partnering foundation of the University of Montpellier.
The foundation was established by the University of Montpellier, 3DPlus, Airbus, Expleo, and Latécoère with the backing of Nicollin and the partners club, which also includes Resoltech, Prosix Engineering, and many more organizations. The foundation aims to grow the nanosatellite industry both domestically and abroad.
A number of initiatives are made possible by the foundation and its partners, including the RESPOGLI project, which aims to safeguard the environment by locating plastic waste in the Mediterranean sea.
Resoltech is proud to have the opportunity to support Van Allen Foundation projects.
Courtesy of the Van Allen Foundation and the CSUM.
Links to :
CSUM’s website:
Fondation’s website:
Fondation’s LinkedIn:
Fondation’s Youtube :
Prosix Engineering website :