Hardeners 7064 & 7067
- Fast version of 7060 Clear
- Improved UV resistance
- Room temperature cure & high gloss
- Choice of slow and fast hardeners
RESOLCOAT 7060S Clear epoxy gelcoat is specially formulated for the production of structural composites parts or tools requiring high mechanical & abrasion properties and room temperature curing.
Two versions are available depending on the pot life needed : 1h45min for large parts or 16min for high production outputs, with a very fast curing time in film for the fast version - closer to a polyester curing time than to a typical epoxy.
In both cases, the gelcoat may be ordered in its clear version (mainly for parts) or colored version for tools or parts production.
500 microns (0,57 kg/m2) is sufficient coating thickness in most cases. For parts or molds requiring polishing or finishing a 800 microns (0,92 kg/m2) is recommended.
This gelcoat offers low toxicity working conditions to the users. Laminates can be released from the molds after a room temperature curing.
- 7060_S_COULEUR_-_04_08_2015.pdfFilesize: 891.9 kB
- FT - 7060S CLEAR - 7064 7067 20240522.pdfFilesize: 452.5 kB