Applications of HTG 200 for InfusionApplications of HTG 200 for Infusion


Hardener HTG 205

High TG Structural Infusion Epoxy System

  • TG >200 °C
  • Low viscosity and excellent wetting properties
  • High thermomechanical performances

RESOLTECH HTG-200 / HTG-205 resin is very high TG resin system specially formulated for the manufacture of tooling and large structural composites parts requiring TG’s and service temperature up to 200 °C.

Due to its low viscosity, high wetting properties and excellent air release, it is suitable for the manufacture of structures and composite parts by infusion, injection moulding. HTG-200 / HTG-205 system contains no CMR components or VOC to reduce user exposure.

The stable low viscosity vs temperature makes of the HTG-200 a prime choice for infusion process. However, this system is not recommended for wet lay up or filament winding because the hardener HTG-205 is sensitive to moisture. For these applications, HTGL-210 / HTGL-216 is recommended.

This system gives high inter-laminar properties thanks to its exceptional wetting properties even on aramid reinforcements.

Laminates can be released from the moulds after a low temperature cure cycle (8h @ 40 °C) enabling to use of low TG plug material. Final thermo-mechanical properties will be obtained after a post curing cycle defined according later in this technical data sheet.

TG (°C)
Mix density
Mix viscosity (mPa.s)
Gel time on 70 mL, 4cm at 23°C