Epoxy System for Dielectrical Applications
RESOLTECH ET286 is an epoxy casting system formulated for dielectrical applications, to encapsulate and insulate components in electrical and electronics applications. RESOLTECH ET286 is available in red, blue and other colours. The system is self extinguishing (M2F1 class) and complies with UL 94V0.
By weight: 100 + 13
By volume: 100 + 22
We recommend the use of a mechanical mixing system.
WARNING: The mixing ratio must be accurately followed. It is not possible to change the ratio, it would result in lower mechanical properties. The mixture should be thoroughly stirred to ensure full homogeneity.
It is important to note that epoxy systems tend to heat up much faster in a pot than as a thin film. It is therefore necessary to only mix the necessary amount usable within the given pot life. Keeping the mixture in flat open containers reduces the risks of exothermic reaction.
RESOLTECH ET286 is a casting system.
A mixing machine should be used to mix and stir the resin and hardener.
It is also possible to mix the system manually.
Workshop temperature should be between 18°C and 30°C.
Geltime: 60mn (+/-15mn) @ 25°C for 100g.
The geltime and pot life are dependent on the quantity mixed and the ambient temperature.
- DS - ET 286 A - ET 286 B.pdfFilesize: 82.5 kB